Through A Stewardess Story

Your Pure Heart Makes You Stand Out From The Rest

even when nobody seems to notice what you have been doing, do it because your heart is at peace and contain love…

3 min readJul 3, 2022
Photo by Kevin Schmid on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Names* have been changed to protect the identity of the real people. Any resemblance is by pure coincidence.

Every beginning is the hardest. But, as I set my feet to do what seems unnecessary step by step, I grow accustomed to the routine. I learn to find the joy in it.

Day in and out, I sweep the dried leaves around. Perhaps, it is therapeutic as nature surrounds me — the jungle. It is an alternative to a morning exercise.

Until recently, a colleague shared her thoughts with me.

“…someone said that nobody will take note of what you do in this workplace. Nobody will appreciate what you do. So, it will be better if we don’t bother to do what is not in our job scope…” said Meg*

You know, one day, that doubt does sink into my mind at an unexpected time when I go around collecting rubbish. I picked up cigarette buds, and who else threw these all over the place? Customers. Some random colleagues.

Did I mention colleagues? Yes.

So, will it be worth it to continue clearing the rubbish and cigarette buds daily? If you were me, what do you do? Perhaps most of you will stop collecting the litter, am I right?

Yet, something nudges my heart when I hear Meg’s opinion…

  • Nobody needs to appreciate me sweeping away the leaves anyway. I am doing it because it is a morning routine to begin my day on the right note. If nobody cares, why would Diyogen* (my Restaurant Manager) ask me if I would like to use the blower? Someone still cares after all. =)
  • Nobody needs to care about me picking up rubbish. When I make the place tidy to the best I can, we are all safe. God sees. That is what matters. At least, I love for my loved ones there to enjoy their space and be safe.
  • Perhaps people keep littering because there are no proper bins to throw their cigarette buds around. And to put my expectations on everyone is cruel. You know, His Grace never fails to bring me people who cook non-pork and non-alcoholic food for me. In a way, people reciprocate differently. We have to look hard enough, and we will find some care genuinely.

Do you see?

We are all bounded by the boundaries of our own opinions and thoughts. Besides, our expectations make us feel nobody cares or appreciates us. Sometimes, we need to look a little hard how the people reciprocate in different ways within their capacity.

Every step I take to the restaurant daily, I meditate until I reach the path with steps up to the front door.

Before I enter the workplace, I look carefully at the door. The antique door and windows of what was once a former chapel in the 1930s bore the name of my head chef’s mom.

The door reminds me that I am stepping into God’s loving covenant.

The family of different beliefs, yet we are to stand together under the canopy of togetherness — to serve and find that heart which serves with love.

Do what you can with love. The covenant is also part of your life, your other family, besides the family from your blood ties or kinship. We do not exist differently in many instances for no purpose.

Just as we say ‘love one another for God loves us’, so do we serve one another as nothing else matters in His sight than those who serve with love towards His creations. Including nature and animals.

Your pure heart makes you stand out from the rest of the people. That reveals over time. Even if nobody appreciates it openly, there will always be someone who appreciates it. There will be someone who offer alternatives to ease your job because they care.

I still keep some hope that someone do cares…


N.A @ Nour Ablaa aka Umm Soffah Nourellyssa




Written by Lissa

Author who wrote about Life in Yemen | Writer on Medium with Random Topics | Catholic by Faith

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