Never Look Back To Your Past For Too Long
Do you ever sink into hurt and sadness whenever you ponder over your past?
You know, it isn’t strange when you experience the pain or feel regretful over what is gone. It’s an old wound yet to heal. And we all struggle. I feel that too.
Occasionally, I do wear out myself when I begin reflecting about certain things in my life. I will feel either exhaustion, disappointment, regrets, down with migraine, or hypertension headache.
Some days, I blame myself for being born into this world because I know I didn’t ask for this life. There are days I start asking myself if life is worth living on.
Usually when anyone ask themselves their life’s worth, it means these:
- they do not know their purpose of living,
- they lost their purpose of living, or
- they are trying to realign their purpose of living and it is a damn struggle to do this.
It can be depressive for some people when they cater time for self-reflection.
That feeling and emotion can be brutal. Because when we speak about the term depression, it is that sprinkle of hopelessness that nothing will be better anymore in life.
This is why I think I should share with you whatever you may want to consider when you start pondering over your past so that you will not give up.
When you begin self- reflection for the day about your life, you need to be attentive to your intentions.
Let’s put it this way…
When I make time reflecting over my life events, I am allowing myself to travel into what has gone by that I cannot rewind. This is the 1st thing I get myself to beware. Read it again.
Finding focus
I ask myself these questions before I proceed further. Maybe you will want to take note of these too.
- What am I looking for travelling through the past years that I can’t rewind?
- What do I intend or want to achieve out of that self-reflection?
- What is my aim when I reflect upon the past?
The intentions keep you focus not to be distracted or lose your way somewhere along the reflection.
Check on yourself. Check your feelings. Because your feelings can tell you how far you have gone astray in your distance of self-reflection.
I keep noticing myself spiraling into extreme mood swings after every contemplation of my past. I keep forgiving myself but, I still return to the hour of bitterness in between.
You have to be careful if this becomes cyclical. Because sometimes it becomes entertainment or pleasure, unnoticed. Read that again.
Sure, you will say Lissa! Isn’t that an absurd thing to do? Who will want to enjoy in the pressure of past hurts like a pleasure?
Some people go through this phase because we do not have the answers how to make our life better. You know that sucky feeling of being stuck in life?
If you experience the same too, let me share my two cents worth of thoughts.
Self-reflection leading to negative results in our head is a self-reflection gone wrong.
So, you have to bring back yourself to the present. Linger not too long in the past, my friend. The primary objective of self-reflection is learning.
- Self-reflection makes us think what we can do better next time.
- We want improvement.
- We look for progress.
Self-reflection isn’t supposed to lead us to brood over the past. You and I need to remember that we can either choose to remain where we fall forever or rise again.
Give No Price To Regret
When life involves doing good deeds, always keep reminding yourself not to regret. Good deeds will be repaid with good deeds by God or Mama Universe, or whatever your belief stand upon.
So, when you do some self- reflection, never ponder and wonder over it for too long. You may be opening the wound that God heals.
Obsessive and prolonged reflection can be discouraging and hinder your spirit from being uplifted and willing to take the next step forward.
Looking Forward Or Ahead In Life
Just as you do not want to look to your past for too long, you will not want to project the future too far ahead. Let’s be realistic.
I am turning 40 sooner or later. I can’t possibly aim to have 6 children by 42. Maria, Marie, Mariah, Joseph, Jacob, Jake???
That will be too much of a production! That’s what I call unrealistic goals.
Unrealistic goals can cause unnecessary unhappiness and fear too. That’s where your faith falter. And your self-esteem starts to waver.
We are afraid. Often, we are. Not everyone of us has consistent courage. As human beings, we want to know who or where we can turn to for resolution and help. Sometimes, being afraid makes us feel alone.
The more you don’t get used to being alone, the more you will be alone. But this doesn’t mean everyone takes a vow of celibacy.
Sometimes we tend to be alone for good reasons.
- We learn to put a limit how long we stay in our past and
- We learn to control how far our mind worry about the future.
- We learn to convince ourselves that we are enough
- We learn to embrace courage to ask for help
- We learn not to grow bitter when people we turn to reject to help us
- We learn to make peace with ourselves and regain our composure
- We learn to listen to God’s prompt in silence
- […fill in the blanks your learning discovery here…]
I leave all of you with these thoughts about life. I pray for you peace and love. I pray for you the spirit that dwells within you a comforter in days you feel at your worse. I pray for you that our Lord will send someone to care for you at the right time and right place.
Please remember not to brood over your past for too long that you open your own wounds. Please do not look too far ahead unrealistically that you make yourself feel hopeless.
I hope I remember these too.
I send you my E-Hugs. Buenas Noches, my friend.
💌N.A 💌