Some people may be upset or feel broken during the coming major celebration. Some dread this time of the year because of traumas or hurt from others.
Some dislike this time of the year because of relatives who get on the nerves. There is only so much we can do. And we can try to make it better for ourselves too.
Here is how you can avoid a pit hole of sadness during the season of hope.
1 — Do not listen to songs that will make you sad
Regardless of the genre, do avoid listening to those songs which make you feel sad, lonely, or broken-hearted. We are what we listen to. Find the music that cheers up the spirit. It is approaching the end of the year. Why do you want to listen to sad songs to close the chapter in hopeless feelings?
2 — There is no need to buy expensive gifts, even if it is for your in-laws
You may get multiple kinds of stuff and consolidate it into a beautiful box. It is the thought that counts. I have relatives who got married to a guy with good earning power. They are financially richer than my parents.
They think of branded and expensive items as impressive. Expensive goods seem to steal the heart of the receiver. But, a person with gratitude will always be happy with what he gets. It is the thought that counts.
3 — Do not watch emotionally upsetting movies and program
In the season of hope and joy, it does not make sense to watch broken-hearted shows. If you are someone who just had a broken relationship, save yourself from watching heart-wrenching shows.
Some of you are strong. You believe that when the 1-door is closed, there is always another opportunity to be loved again. Thus, you will not be affected watching romance or love stories.
4 — Do not compare Instagram and Facebook posts with others
The fake side of life is on social media. All the smiles and joy are a small portion of life disclosed. There is a side to life in every single person not advertised.
If you get upset following someone, you should mute the profile. Mute the stories and posts. Otherwise, remove the Instagram app from your phone. Your joy is also your privacy. You do not need to flaunt it. Save yourself from evil eyes.
5 — Create the program list for the day even if you are staying alone
The worse of a person gather in a crowd and yet feels alone. Loneliness does not mean you are 1-person in a place. I have met people who know their worth, so they are not affected emotionally.
Decorate the house to create the joy you want. It does not necessarily need you to ensure people are coming to celebrate with you. Allow the spirit of Christmas to be within the house.
Prepare a bit of biscuit and cookies. Book a time for yourself to drink your hot chocolate milk and eat gingerbread man biscuits. Watch your favorite shows. Visit your neighbors and exchange gifts with them.
These are 5-steps you can take to practice some self-care before entering the new year. You may even take this time to set your new year’s resolutions.
- Think about a volunteer group you may want to commit to for 6-months to 1 year
- Think about using this time of the year to send cookies to neighbors with your contact details if you intend to start a weekend pre-order business
- Think about how you may want to begin a monthly caravan of love, with hotpot meals in different houses
Perhaps these are the creativity that you can leverage to create joy within yourself. Merry Christmas to those who celebrates. Happy holiday to everyone else. Stay warm in this cold season. 💌
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