One of the Many Signs As A Hint To Us That It Is Time To Move Onthrough the story of Beth* who came to Singapore for the 1st time in her life to earn a living, without friendsJan 245Jan 245
Spencer Isn’t The Same Person Anymore Just Like Meand he regret nothing out of it…whereas my journey shaped my mindset differentlyJan 193Jan 193
2 Astounding Advices Dad Entrusted To Me Which I Recalled At 0130 HrsHe still connects with me and gave me more cues to come…Nov 15, 202410Nov 15, 202410
3 Signs Showing How We Brought Along Memories Of Those Who Passed On With Us…we start watching what we do not have interest inOct 9, 20245Oct 9, 20245
3 People I Met In F&B Industry Who The Universe Use To Relay A Message Of Moving Onbeing a bartender is my life coping mechanism too…i felt so done with life.Oct 3, 20242Oct 3, 20242
2 Lessons From Monet’s Impression Between Art And Science I Seen…it is science when I am being offered to be an Assistant Manager by social connections, not from resume papers…I turned down the offer.Sep 5, 20242Sep 5, 20242
3 Important Lessons From An Ex Convict I Met In A Cafepeople remember us for how we treated them especially in their worse days…May 9, 20248May 9, 20248
3 Matters We Put Aside Thinking Our Old Age Will Compensate For ThemAnd before we know it, we miss a lot of opportunities in life…Mar 12, 202412Mar 12, 202412
3 Wisdoms From A Bartender’s Experiences In Night Life That Encouraged Me Unexpectedly#01 — the person you owe an apology to the most is yourselfFeb 26, 20247Feb 26, 20247